User Guide

This User Guide first introduces just a little conceptual material before getting started with using the package itself. We will start with the lower level material, closer to the protocol, so that you gain an understanding of what’s going on. Then we’ll progressively add higher level functionality until we have simplified the building of PE applications quite considerably.

For the easily daunted, don’t worry! It really does get easier as we progress. By the end of this User Guide, you should have a comprehensive understanding of how to easily build sophisticated applications with PE.

For the impatient, you could jump straight to the Applications section and work backwards from there. However, you should at least read the Concepts section before doing that, so that you don’t trip over unexpected situations as you proceed.

For complete details of all of the classes and methods, see the API Reference.


The Packet Engine (PE) protocol is request / response based, and is asynchronous. As such, the client does not receive an immediate response to a request, as would be the case with a regular function call. Instead, the server will send a separate response back to the client when it is ready.

For example, the client might send a request to register a callsign with the server. After sending the request, the client does not know whether or not the callsign has been successfully registered or not. Only at a later time will the client receive a response from the server indicating the result of the original request.

A common means of handling such situations is to have the application provide a callback function with each call to the client API, such that the callback will be invoked when the response eventually arrives. However, this can get unwieldy when the size of the API rises, and almost every call requires a callback.

To handle this in a more manageable and coherent way, PE uses a Receive Handler. This is an “interface” that the application implements and then provides an instance of to the engine when it is configured. The application makes a call to the PE engine, and then the relevant method of the Receive Handler is invoked whenever a response arrives from the server. The Receive Handler, then, provides a focal point around which the application can manage its responses and determine its behavior.

It is important to note that Receive Handler methods are invoked on a separate thread created by PE. This allows the application to continue to do useful work while responses from the server are outstanding, without requiring that the application wait at specific points until a response is received. This is in line with the event-driven nature of GUI or TUI applications, and simplifies the creation of such software.

Note: Many, if not most, user interface frameworks, whether GUI or TUI, require that they are updated only from the application’s main thread. Thus it is recommended that some synchronization mechanism such as Python’s Queue be used to convey any updates from a receive handler to the user interface.

Getting connected

To get started, the first thing we need to do is create a PE instance, provide it with our receive handler, and connect to the server.

PE does some housekeeping after the connection is established, in order to pre-cache certain information from the server. Thus we need a means of knowing when the engine instance is actually ready to use. This is accomplished using a very simple signalling mechanism.

class MyReceiveHandler(pe.ReceiveHandler):
    # Define only the methods you need

def ready(*unused):
    # Here the engine is ready for use

# Listen for notification when the engine is ready to use
# Create an instance of your custom receive handler
rh = MyReceiveHandler()
# Create an instance of the engine, providing your receive handler
engine = pe.PacketEngine(rh)
# Connect to the server
engine.connect_to_server(your_host, your_port)
# Your ready() callback will be invoked shortly

There’s no need to worry about the detailed mechanics here; when our ready() callback is invoked, we’re all set, and ready to communicate with the server.

Providing our receive handler to the engine at creation time, as shown above, is often convenient, but not required. If we needed to provide our receive handler with the engine instance itself, for example, we can set the handler afterwards instead, as shown below:

# Create an instance of the engine, without your receive handler
engine = pe.PacketEngine()
# Create an instance of your custom receive handler, passing it the engine
rh = MyReceiveHandler(engine)
# Now tell the engine about your receive handler
engine.receive_handler = rh

Note that the receive handler must be set before connecting to the server.

When we’re all done, we’ll need to disconnect from the server.


Working with the protocol

The core PE API provides entry points corresponding to almost all of the request types defined by the protocol. Perhaps the simplest example is that of sending a beacon. A beacon is sent using an UNPROTO frame in the AX.25 protocol, which is done with PE using something like:

engine.send_unproto(port, your_callsign, 'IDENT', 'This is a test')

where port is the AGWPE protocol port used to talk to the server (almost always 0), and your_callsign is the source callsign. There is no acknowledgement for UNPROTO frames, so that’s all there is to it.

If we want to include one or more intermediaries in the destination path, we can provide them using the via argument:

engine.send_unproto(port, your_callsign, 'IDENT', 'This is a test', ['WIDE1-1'])

In contrast to the above, which is a “send it and forget it” type invocation, most requests sent to the server result in a response that should be handled by our request handler. A simple example of this is requesting the server’s version information. To do this, we first ask the server to send it to us:


To handle the response from the server, we implement the corresponding method in our request handler:

class MyReceiveHandler(pe.ReceiveHandler):

    def version_info(self, major, minor):
        # Display or otherwise process the server's version info

Cached data

When the engine is initialized, it requests, and caches, certain information from the server, so that the client need not deal with the asynchronous nature of the protocol in accessing them. This cached data is made available through read-only properties of the engine instance. Currently available information can be accessed as follows:

ver_info = engine.version_info
port_info = engine.port_info

Monitoring activity

Monitoring of AX.25 traffic on the server is straightforward. First, our receive handler must implement the methods corresponding to the AX.25 frame types in which we are interested.

class MyReceiveHandler(pe.ReceiveHandler):

    def monitored_connected(self, port, call_from, call_to, text, data):
        # Process an AX.25 I frame

    def monitored_supervisory(self, port, call_from, call_to, text):
        # Process an AX.25 S frame

    def monitored_unproto(self, port, call_from, call_to, text, data):
        # Process an AX.25 UI frame

The server will not send monitoring data by default, so once we have set up the engine and connected to the server, we need to enable monitoring by setting the requisite property.

engine.monitoring = True

Note that we can also read this property in order to determine whether or not monitoring is currently enabled.

The text argument to the monitoring methods contains the text content of the packet record as defined in the AGWPE protocol. So, for example, the text argument passed for an S frame might look like:

1:Fm KD6YAM-6 To KU6S-2 <RR R2 F=0 >[18:43:28]

If we preferred, we could work with the raw AX.25 packets as they arrive. Our receive handler can easily provide those. We must, however, separately enable their reception.

class MyReceiveHandler(pe.ReceiveHandler):

    def monitored_raw(self, port, data):
        # Process a raw AX.25 frame

engine.raw_ax25 = True

Monitoring packets sent from the server do not, by default, include any unproto packets we ourselves send using PE. In order to receive a copy of such packets, we must implement an additional method in our receive handler.

class MyReceiveHandler(pe.ReceiveHandler):

    def monitored_own(self, port, call_from, call_to, pid, data):
        # Process a UI frame sent by this client

Multiple receive handlers

Reading through the previous section, it may have occurred to you that it might be nice to separate your monitoring-related code from other code in your receive handler. Or perhaps you’ve wondered how you could easily incorporate logging into your code. In fact, PE enables this type of design by allowing for the chaining of receive handlers.

Let’s suppose that we want to do just this, and break out our monitoring code. To do this, we’ll define two separate receive handlers that might look like the following.

class MainReceiveHandler(pe.ReceiveHandler):

    def version_info(self, major, minor):
        # Display or otherwise process the server's version info

class MonitoringReceiveHandler(pe.ReceiveHandler):

    def monitored_connected(self, port, call_from, call_to, text, data):
        # Process an AX.25 I frame

    def monitored_supervisory(self, port, call_from, call_to, text):
        # Process an AX.25 S frame

    def monitored_unproto(self, port, call_from, call_to, text, data):
        # Process an AX.25 UI frame

Now we somehow need to tell PE that we want to use both of these. The way to do this is to use a MultiReceiveHandler.

rh_main = MainReceiveHandler()
rh_mon = MonitoringReceiveHandler()
rh = pe.handler.MultiReceiveHandler()

When chaining receive handlers in this way, the methods of the receive handlers will be invoked in the order in which the receive handlers are added.

The above works well if we might later want to remove one of the handlers you added. However, if we’re never going to remove them, which is the most common case, we can simplify the code a little by chaining calls.

rh = pe.handler.MultiReceiveHandler()

As we will see later, this ability to chain receive handlers using a MultiReceiveHandler is used to incorporate other PE functionality alongside our own application’s code without disrupting it.

Connected-mode sessions

Being able to easily work with connected-mode sessions is one of the most attractive features of PE, and opens up a world of possible applications that would be much more complicated to implement using other mechanisms such as KISS or raw AX.25.

While the protocol makes it relatively straightforward to work with connected-mode sessions, there are a few complications that need to be handled. PE provides a higher level abstraction to simplify this. First we will look at the basic connection functionality, close to the protocol; later we will look at that higher level abstraction.

Before we can make any connection, though, the server must be told about any callsign we want to use as the source of our connection. This is done by registering the callsign(s) that we will use. As usual, we need to add to our receive handler in order to discover whether or not our request to register has been successful.

class MyReceiveHandler(pe.ReceiveHandler):

    def callsign_registered(self, callsign, success):
        # Check `success` to make sure your registration succeeded


Once we have confirmed that our registration was successful, we can go ahead and create a connection.

Connection fundamentals

Both connecting to and disconnecting from a remote system are incomplete until acknowledged through our receive handler. Thus before anything else, we must implement the corresponding methods in our receive handler.

class MyReceiveHandler(pe.ReceiveHandler):

    def connection_received(self, port, call_from, call_to, incoming, message):
        # Verify that your connection has been opened

    def disconnected(self, port, call_from, call_to, message):
        # Verify that your connection has been ended

There are a few important things to note in the above method signatures.

  • The triple of port, call_from and call_to taken together defines a unique connection. Multiple connections using the same triple are not permitted.

  • All operations on the connection must be provided with the same triple in order to identify the connection uniquely, even if only a single connection is in use.

  • The connection_received() method is provided with an incoming argument. This is because this same method is invoked in response both to a request to open an outgoing connection and to an incoming request for a connection from a remote system.

  • Both of the above methods are provided with a message argument. This is the text provided by the server as defined in the protocol. It is through this text that success or failure of your request is determined.

With these receive handler methods in place, we’re now able to open and close connections to a remote system.

# Open a new connection
engine.connect(port, call_from, call_to)

# Wait for the receive handler to be invoked before proceeding

# At some later time, close the connection
engine.disconnect(port, call_from, call_to)

To send data on this connection, we simply provide the data to the engine. No acknowledgement is provided by the server in this case, so no there is no corresponding receive handler method.

engine.send_data(port, call_from, call_to, data, pid)

The data provided to this method may be of type string, bytes or bytearray. If a string, it will be assumed to be UTF-8 and encoded as such. The pid argument is optional; if omitted, text data is assumed.

To receive data on the connection, we need to add another method to our receive handler.

class MyReceiveHandler(pe.ReceiveHandler):

    def connected_data(self, port, call_from, call_to, pid, data):
        # Process incoming data

The incoming data will always be provided as type bytes or bytearray, regardless of the pid value.

Simplifying connections

When only a single connection is in use at any given time, and incoming connections are not an issue, the above mechanism is straightforward and not too onerous. However, once we start to use multiple simultaneous outgoing connections, and possibly incoming connections, it gets a bit harder to manage.

PE provides a higher level abstraction over connections that simplifies the work of connection management as well as bringing a more coherent approach to connections than is evident when working at the lower, protocol level.

Using this simplified mechanism, our connection-related code is gathered into a dedicated class, while PE takes care of some of the underpinnings for us.

The first thing we will need to do is define a subclass of PE’s Connection class. An instance of this class will be created by the PE engine whenever one is needed, either for an outgoing or an incoming connection. (Note that we do not need to explicitly tell PE about this class, just define it as a subclass of PE’s Connection class.)

class MyConnection(pe.connect.Connection):

    def __init__(self, port, call_from, call_to, incoming=False):
        super().__init__(port, call_from, call_to, incoming)
        # Now perform any initialization of your own that you might need

Before we look at the additional methods we’ll need to define on this class, let’s look at how we need to set up PE to use it. As our application is starting up, there are two things that we need to do. First, we need to create an instance of PE’s connection hub; then we need to obtain a special PE-provided receive handler from that hub and include it in our receive handler chain. (See Multiple receive handlers above.)

connections = pe.connect.Connections(engine)

Now we are ready to open a new connection whenever we need one.

conn =, call_from, call_to)

The conn value returned here is an instance of our own Connection subclass, which uniquely represents the newly opened connection. With this connection object in hand, we no longer need to carry around the port / call_from / call_to triple to pass to each call to PE (though we can, of course, obtain them from the connection object if we need them).

Though we now have a connection object, we do not yet know if the connection itself is actually open. Our connection object will be notified when that happens, and also when it is disconnected. We’ll add two methods to our Connection subclass to receive these notifications.

class MyConnection(pe.connect.Connection):

    # ...

    def connected(self):
        # Now your connection is open

    def disconnected(self):
        # Your connection is no longer open

Now that our connection is set up, we are ready to send and receive data. This is straightforward using the connection object.

To send data, we use the send_data() method of our connection object.


To receive data, we need to implement the data_received() method on our connection class.

class MyConnection(pe.connect.Connection):

    # ...

    def data_received(self, pid, data):
        # Process your received data

Finally, when we are finished with the connection, we should close it.


As can be seen from the above, working with connections using this higher level abstraction is noticeably simpler, and encapsulating our connection functionality within its own connection class provides a cleaner way of working with connections, particularly when we might have more than one open at a time.

Putting it all together, our connection class will look something like the following.

class MyConnection(pe.connect.Connection):

    def __init__(self, port, call_from, call_to, incoming=False):
        super().__init__(port, call_from, call_to, incoming)
        # Now perform any initialization of your own that you might need

    def connected(self):
        # Now your connection is open

    def disconnected(self):
        # Your connection is no longer open

    def data_received(self, pid, data):
        # Process your received data

and we’ll work with an individual connection using the following.

conn =, call_from, call_to)
# ...
# ...

Incoming connections

One final topic before we leave the discussion of connections is how incoming connections are handled.

When PE receives an incoming request, it will call the query_accept() method on our connection class. This is a class method, so that PE can call it before any connection instance is created. Within this method, we can decide whether to proceed with the incoming connection, or to ignore it, perhaps based on the callsigns involved.

class MyConnection(pe.connect.Connection):

    def query_accept(cls, port, call_from, call_to):
        # Decide whether or not to accept this connection

Note that if we do not implement this method in our connection class, the default is to reject all incoming connections. Thus we need take no action unless our application specifically wants to handle incoming connections.


PE has one more high level abstraction to help us build complete applications around it. The Application class wraps up many of the components we’ve been using and hides many of the “wiring” details, so that we can focus on the core functionality of our application itself.

We start by creating an application instance, and starting it, providing the host and port of our server.

app =
app.start(server_host, server_port)

Once the start() method returns, a chain of receive handlers is in place, and we are connected to the server. We don’t need to add any more receive handlers except under special circumstances, and we don’t need to deal with the signal that indicates that we’re connected - it’s all done.

Instead of interacting with a PacketEngine instance, we now interact with our new application object. For example, all of the following are available through the application.

app.send_unproto(port, call_from, call_to, data)
# ...
app.open_connection(port, call_from, call_to)
# ...
app.enable_debug_output = True
# ...

If at some point we do need to work directly with the engine, we can obtain it from the application.

engine = app.engine

Finally, when we’re all done, we stop the application.


The Application chain

As noted above, simply creating and starting an Application instance causes the creation of a chain of receive handlers within the application. This chain comprises the following handlers, in this order:

  • Debug receive handler, turned off by default See Debugging below.

  • Connection receive handler, so that we can make use of the mechanism described in Simplifying connections above.

  • Monitoring receive handler, so that we can receive monitoring frames from the server.

Note also that we no longer need to instantiate a Connections object when building upon Application, since this is taken care of for us.

Monitoring redux

The astute reader may be wondering how they are going to receive monitoring data in their application when they have not implemented the corresponding methods on a receive handler. The answer is that a slightly different and specialized monitoring “interface” is implemented instead.

class MyMonitor(pe.monitor.Monitor):

    def monitored_connected(self, port, call_from, call_to, text, data):
        # Process an AX.25 I frame

    def monitored_supervisory(self, port, call_from, call_to, text):
        # Process an AX.25 S frame

    def monitored_unproto(self, port, call_from, call_to, text, data):
        # Process an AX.25 UI frame

    # ... and other monitoring methods as needed

This is almost the same as implementing the receive handler methods. However, a Monitor instance may be set on the application at any time, unlike a receive handler, which must be set up before the application is started.

Once we have our monitor instance, we pass it to the application as follows.


and we can then enable or disable monitoring with:

app.enable_monitoring = True

Custom handlers

The built-in chain of receive handlers described above is sufficient for the majority of applications. However, there may be situations in which we would like to access capabilities of PE that are not provided through this chain. We can accomplish this by creating a custom receive handler, and, if necessary, by invoking methods of the engine directly.

As an example, let’s add support to our application for printing out the most recently heard callsigns on a port. First, we create our custom receive handler.

class MyCustomReceiveHandler(pe.ReceiveHandler):

    def callsign_heard_on_port(self, port, record):
        print(f'Callsign heard on {port}: {record}')

Next we tell our application to add this handler to its chain of receive handlers. Note that, as usual, this receive handler must be set before connecting to the server.


Then, once our application is connected to our server, we can ask for the list of heard stations with:


Our custom receive handler will be invoked once for each callsign heard, up to a maximum of 20 times for a single request.


Quite a lot goes on in the receive handlers of an application, given that each and every protocol response comes through them. Sometimes it is useful to see what’s going on in there, and in particular what the server is sending back to our application. For this reason, PE includes a special receive handler that logs every frame it receives, and we can simply include that in our chain of receive handlers.

debug_handler = pe.handler.DebugReceiveHandler()

When using this receive handler, it is generally recommended that it be the first receive handler in the chain. (This is the case when using the Application class.) That ensures that the details of each response will be logged, potentially prior to something going wrong later in the processing of that response.

Clearly we would not want to have to add and remove this handler to enable logging output at different times within our application. To allow for this, logging can be enabled and disabled at will. For example:

debug_handler.enable_output = False

The debug receive handler logs to a standard Python logger (logging.Logger) with the name ‘pe.handler’ at the DEBUG logging level. You will need to enable this in your application in order to capture the debug output.